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Revision history


Fixed page navigation and broken links in the facsimile editions of Streitberg and Sievers; minor updates to other pages.


There is a new search page for the Gothic bible.


The website is back online after a few weeks of unscheduled downtime. We had to switch servers because of technical problems. Some items are still unavailable; they should be fixed in the weeks to come.


Toponymisch Woordenboek moved to bouwstoffen.kantl.be/tw at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde (KANTL).


Preliminary XML encoded version of Wilhelm Streitberg's Gotisch-Griechisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch (1910), previously available as a facsimile edition. Obviously work in progress, but it might already be useful in its present state. There is also a derived HTML version.


Digital facsimile edition of Maurits Gysseling: Toponymisch Woordenboek van België, Nederland, Luxemburg, Noord-Frankrijk en West-Duitsland (vóór 1226) (1960). While not strictly part of this project, the reproduction is currently hosted on the same server.


Added a note on the Greek text. There seems to be some misunderstanding: the interlinear Greek text in the database application is not a transcription of Streitberg's reconstruction of the ‘Vorlage’, but Nestle-Aland's Novum Testamentum Graece (26th/27th edition). Disambiguation: up to John 15 (19%).


Added a new interlinear translation to the Gothic text: a public domain version of the Vulgate, downloaded from the Clementine Vulgate project. It is not displayed by default, you can select it in the screen configuration.

Meanwhile, disambiguation of the grammatical analyses is inching forward. I finished Matthew and John chapters 5 to 9 (about 13% of all tokens) — lack of time is the main culprit.


Fixed a rather serious error in the Gothic analyses. Many words (including all past participles) were incorrectly labeled "present participle", due to a bug in the XSLT stylesheet that generates the page. The actual database had the correct information.


Facsimile edition of Wilhelm Streitberg's Gothic dictionary (Gotisch–Griechisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch, Heidelberg 1910). I hope to be able to finish the text version (XML) later on.


The database is back online and also available for download. Although it is not finished and was never really meant to be published online, it could still be useful for anyone interested in Streitberg's dictionary. There have also been some minor modifications to several other pages, e.g. an important note on Streitberg's editorial interventions.


Fixed an error in the text edition of the Gothic Bible: Matthew 9:15 ‘atgaggand’ → ‘atgagggand’. The Codex Argenteus clearly has triple ‘g’, as has Streitberg. An interesting case of unconscious emendation: it appears that the original typo in the manuscript has inadvertently been normalized in about every online edition of the text, including TITUS and the text file prepared for the Codex Argenteus Online.


Technical problems, once again. The service that provides analyses of word forms in the text simply stopped working for no apparent reason (the database engine suddenly refuses to process SELECT DISTINCT queries, to be more precise). Worse, I was unable to modify files on the webserver. Several people reported the problem, thanks. I finally managed to upload a few modified pages, but the main problem still persists. To be continued, though probably not before 2005, since the university will be closed next week.

A few important links have been updated. Christian Petersen's website moved to syllabus.gmxhome.de/gotica, although the top level address is still www.gotica.de. And then of course there is the Codex Argenteus Online at Uppsala University Library, a freely available digital version of the 1927 facsimile edition. This is really a milestone. Start reading right away, there are some nice seasonal verses (12th line and below).


The website has been rewritten from scratch using valid XHTML and CSS, with server-side scripting basically reduced to database access and XSL transformations. More importantly, the content of nearly all pages has been rewritten. In its current form, the website is the result of a research project granted by the Special Research Fund (BOF) of the University of Antwerp (‘New Research Initiative’, March 2002 – April 2004). The Gothic Bible can now be downloaded in TEI format or browsed online – each word is clickable, leading to one or more automatically assigned lemma(s) and POS-tag(s). For more information, we refer to the final report (in Dutch) or the introduction to the edition of the Gothic Bible. A few pages are still missing, we will to try to finish them as soon as possible.


There is a new section with digital facsimile editions of Wilhelm Streitberg's Gotisches Elementarbuch (5th/6th edition from 1920) and Eduard Sievers' edition of the Old Saxon Heliand (1878).


The technical problems are finally solved: project Wulfila is now available at http://www.wulfila.be and http://www.ufsia.ac.be/wulfila, both addresses point to the same website. [note 2004-05-21: the first URL is the official address; the second will probably become unavailable at some point]


The pages describing the project and Streitberg's edition have been updated. We added a list of deviations from the Streitberg text and a list of differences between Streitberg's 1919 and 2000 edition.


It turns out that the TITUS-text was not scanned but entered manually, which eliminates the chance of identical scanning errors and makes the collation all the more reliable as a way of tracking errors. We feel confident that the text currently online is now a very accurate copy of Streitberg's 1919 edition.


A substantial amount of scanning errors has been removed by automatically collating the text with the online edition provided on the TITUS website (Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien). As both versions were independently scanned and/or copied by hand, using different software, chances that the same error occurs at the same location are relatively small – allthough typical scanning errors like "rn" for "m" might very well have slipped in at the same place, as Christian Petersen notes in an e-mail. The collation also revealed a more or less equal number of errors in the TITUS-text, which were submitted J. Gippert. As usual, the corrections made to our text have been logged.

There are still problems with the domain name wulfila.be; they should be fixed by the end of next week. Of course, the site remains available at the current address http://www.ufsia.ac.be/wulfila.


The website is moving back to a server at the University of Antwerp. We will keep the new address http://www.wulfila.be, but it will take some time to move the domain name. Meanwhile visitors are redirected to the old address http://www.ufsia.ac.be/wulfila.

The download-page has been updated. The complete text is now available in one document (plain text or HTML). We added a copy of Streitberg's chapters on the minor fragments.


We started digitizing Streitberg's critical apparatus and will try to release it gradually, starting with Matthew. Meanwhile the lexicon has to be proofread, so the promised lemmatized edition is still a few months off.


A rather long list of typos in Mark (reported by G. Taylor) has been corrected. This is actually the first chapter that was put online and the only one that had not yet been proofread thoroughly. All corrections are logged.

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